After the player has received all sixteen badges of Johto and Kanto, Professor Oak will give the player permission to travel here. I have all 16 badges. Talk to Professor Oak and he will arrange for Route 28 to be accessible. Mount Silver is at the end of the route. I have 16 badges. Oak in his lab in Pallet Town after getting all 16 badges.
Thank you! Fishing Old Rod. Fishing Good Rod. Fishing Super Rod. Hoenn Sound. Sinnoh Sound. P K M N Trainer.
Gold, Silver , and Crystal. Reward: Quick Attack. Body Slam. Sunny Day. Giga Drain. Wing Attack. Fire Spin. Rain Dance. HeartGold and SoulSilver. Light Ball. Volt Tackle. Iron Tail. Shell Armor. Thick Fat. Shadow Ball. Giga Impact. Sludge Bomb. Sleep Powder. Frenzy Plant. Flare Blitz. Air Slash. Blast Burn. Dragon Pulse.
Focus Blast. Hydro Cannon. Flash Cannon. Kanto Gym Leader Castle. Stadium 2. Mint Berry. Professor Oak, as you know, will allow you to travel here once you beat the Elite Four. Silver to take on its challenges. But is this truly the only reason? Surely there are other trainers than you that are deserving of this reward, right? So, why you, of all trainers? Why are you so special? Because you are the only one who can set him free. There is one, though. Located at the tippy-top of Mt.
Silver, alone. You should know him well. You were him once, after all. After his travels, he, like you now, gained access to Mt. After training here, he climbed to the top of Mt. Silver…and isolated himself from the rest of the world, training in solitude, losing contact with anyone and everyone who he considered worthwhile.
He didn't call his mother, Professor Oak, or even his rival, Blue. None of them had any clue what had happened to the boy; any calls they sent were rejected or ignored. They are all in their 80s and are pretty tough.
You may want to put that battle off until later. When you do beat him, you'll get a special ribbon. Last Edited: 10 May am. Was this guide helpful?