Don't Use When: You are low on hp or plan to use physical attacks. Unstable Cunning Tonic Recommendation: I recommend using this only with Melee classes, since they will be getting the most benefit out of this tonic boosting haste, evasion, and critical hit chances. Unlike the regular tonics that boost dexterity, this one has a side-effect since it's so powerful, making a Magic Class actually suffer when this is drunk.
This side-effect is a lowered endurance stat, which means your hp will suffer during the length of the tonic. Class Recommendation: Melee Classes, not worth it for any other class. Use When: You want an increase in haste, evasion, and critical hit chances. Unstable Foresight Tonic Recommendation: I suggest only using this tonic for Magical Classes only since Melee classes receive only a slight boost in evasion when using this.
Magical Classes receive a haste, evasion, and crit boost. The downside is a reduce in END, which is why just an evasion boost would be not beneficial. Unstable Insight Tonic Recommendation: Classes with high wizard enhancement's and status. Class Recommendation: Mage. Use When: Arcane shield is active. Don't Use When: Arcane shield is inactive.
Unstable Judgement Tonic Recommendation: I suggest only using this tonic for Magical Classes only since Melee classes receive only a slight boost in evasion when using this. Unstable Mind Tonic Recommendation: Classes with high intelligence and endurance. Class Recommendation: Healer. Use When: inhibition is active. Don't Use When: Target is not buffed with inhibition. Wise Tonic Recommendation: I highly recommended this for Magic classes, since wisdom boosts haste, evasion, and critical hit chances.
Post : 3. Using Elixirs Elixirs are the outcasts of Alchemy. Whatever doesn't fit in as a potion or Tonic gets put into the Elixir category. With that said, Elixirs have a very wide range of use, from raising evasion to increasing damage output.
Definitely take a look at this guide to see how you should use your elixir! Some elixir's may last fifth-teen minutes! Alchemy Elixirs Accuracy Elixir Recommendation: You might want to make sure your enhancements are lucky. Class Recommendation: Use classes with high luck status.
Healer classes. Class Recommendation: Heal type classes. Use When: When you want to heal you or your allies. Don't Use When: You are not healing. Class Recommendation: Healing type classes. Use When: Before attacking target. Don't Use When: No target is selected. Use When: You are being attacked. Don't Use When: You are not being attacked. Classes with high intelligence status. Use When: Before healing. Don't Use When: Low mana, or are not healing. Class Recommendation: Any healing type classes.
Don't Use When: You are not healing, or have low mana. Classes with high intelligence and wisdom. Classes with high intelligence and wisdom status. Class Recommendation: Healer, Oracle, Alpha omega, evolved shaman. Class Recommendation: Healer, Oracle, Paladin highlord.
Don't Use When: Not healing, or have low mana. Magical based classes. Class Recommendation: Any magical based class. Use When: Before attacking. Don't Use When: You are not attacking.
Classes that have a high critical strike chance status. Class Recommendation: Pirate, Dragonlord, Elemental warrior. Class Recommendation: Pirate, Dragonlord, Warrior.
Class Recommendation: Rogue, Vampire, Warrior. Battle Elixir Recommendation: Classes with endurance and high attack power. Don't Use When: You are not in battle. Blessed Elixir Recommendation: Healing type classes. Use When: Healing. Don't Use When: Not healing. Crusader Elixir Recommendation: Use when you are low on health. Use When: Low on health point. Don't Use When: You do not need healing. Destruction Elixir Recommendation: Use with any classes that have a high critical strike chance.
Elusion Elixir Recommendation: Any class that has a high chance to dodge. Use When: Before being mobbed. Don't Use When: Not being attacked by any group. Don't Use When: Not in battle. Keen Elixir Recommendation: Classes with high critical strike chance. Malevolence Elixir Recommendation: Classes with high magical power. Piercing Elixir Recommendation: Classes with high critical strike status.
Potent Balance Elixir Recommendation: Classes with high evasion status. Potent Elusion Elixir Recommendation: Classes with high evasion status. Class Recommendation: Rogue, Blademaster, Oracle. Potent Eradication Elixir Recommendation: Classes with high critical strike chance. Potent Renew Elixir Recommendation: Use this when your health is low. Class Recommendation: Any class.
Use When: Health is low. Don't Use When: Health is full. Renew Elixir Recommendation: Use this when you have low health points. Revitalize Elixir Recommendation: Any class build. Don't Use When: Health is maxed. Spiritual Elixir Recommendation: Classes with high magical base power.
Class Recommendation: Healer, Oracle, Paladin. Don't Use When: Health is not low. Class Recommendation: Pirate, Cardclasher. Swiftness Elixir Recommendation: Classes with high haste percentage. Class Recommendation: Rogue, Cardclasher, Dragonlord. Trueshot Elixir Recommendation: Classes with high hit chance. Unstable Battle Elixir Recommendation: Any class that has high critical chances, e. Unstable Crusader Elixir Recommendation: Classes with high equip enhancements with wizard, and thief.
Class Recommendation: Oracle. Unstable Piercing Elixir Recommendation: Classes with high critical strike. Unstable Sharp Elixir Recommendation: Classes with high dexterity, and melee evasion. Unstable Stinging Elixir Recommendation: Classes with high critical strike chance. Velocity Elixir Recommendation: Classes with high Haste. Class Recommendation: Rogue, Cardclasher, Enforcer. Especially good for Shamans when you're in a pinch. Globrush R Lightbeam Elixir Recommendation: This elixir is recommended if you don't have your healing class equipped.
Use When: You have a low to medium amount of HP left. Elixir of Haste Recommendation: Since this elixir boosts your haste, it's best to use this when you have a stealth class like Rogue equipped since it relies on high dodge to function at its maximum.
However, any class can benefit off of a boosted haste! Use When: You want to boost your haste in order to dodge better. Use When: The class does not have a healing ability or passive. Don't Use When: You have a comfortable amount of health points.
Post : 4. Food Food! Wonderful food! Who knew food had such magical powers? Looking for the best time to eat your Boar's feet? Or when you need that cuppycake sugar rush? This post will tell you when to use that extra energy in battle!
You'll gain a near-good haste boost, but at the cost of your Hit Rate, meaning you're chances of striking an enemy are a little smaller than before.
It's good for some quick-hitting classes, but I wouldn't recommend it for all battles. Use When: Anytime you need a Haste boost, namely at the start of the battle. Meaning when you're about to die. You could combine it with Defender's Safeguard, making you near-invincible, or you can combine it with any class that has a good healing ability, which could make your HP NEVER drop below Depending on your level.
Use When: Either when you are below half of your HP, or you could use it at the start of the battle to keep your HP high. Not recommended all the time. Duration: The Heal-Over-Time effect lasts for 20 seconds. However, this is near-invincibility for a short amount of time. Don't Use When: Outside of combat, or when victory is certain. This works well with any class unless you're aiming to deal low amounts of damage.
It is especially useful with ones that deal high amounts of damage like Warrior, Vindicator of They, Berserker, etc. Use When: Best used before or during a battle. Don't Use When: When the battle is about to end, unless you're in a pinch, that is being extremely low on health or when you're about to die, and the opponent is far from dying. Use When: Use it anytime you need to kill a lot of Undead, also a good thing to use on Undead Bosses.
Don't Use When: You don't need to kill a lot of Undead monsters. Unless you want to kill them fast , and obviously not on Non-Undead monsters. Duration: Holy Wasabi lasts 30 seconds with a 60 second cooldown. Reason: See Endurance Draught. Winds of Fury Recommendation: Once again, another good follow-up item.
Use When: This a good scroll for all encounters, aside from incredibly weak monsters. Use it anytime you need an extra attack option. Scroll of Fireblast Recommendation: The same as Fireball, only many targets are damaged. Not recommended for everyday combat, but recommended for PvP uses.
Use When: Farming and PvP. Scroll of Ice Shard Recommendation: Now this is a handy scroll. Not only does it deal damage, but it also debuffs the Speed of your target. The Speed Debuff alone can disrupt the strategies of some players in PvP.
Use When: Anytime during the battle. Duration: Speed Debuff on target lasts for 11 seconds. Scrolls of Pangs Recommendation: Once again, another good follow-up item. Use When: Anytime you have a lot, or full Health. A Great booster to dodging classes, especially Rogue. A good life-saver for easy-to-die classes. Use When: You are at half your total HP. You will gain a decent Haste boost along with a good Critical Chance boost, you might almost hit a critical hit every 1.
Use When: Use it when times when desperate. Sandsea Foods. Use When: Anytime you need a Haste boost, namely at the start of the battle. Depending on your level. Use When: Either when you are below half of your HP, or you could use it at the start of the battle to keep your HP high. Not recommended all the time. Duration: The Heal-Over-Time effect lasts for 20 seconds.
However, this is near-invincibility for a short amount of time. It is especially useful with ones that deal high amounts of damage like Warrior, Vindicator of They, Berserker, etc. Use When: Best used before or during a battle. Use When: Use it anytime you need to kill a lot of Undead, also a good thing to use on Undead Bosses. Unless you want to kill them fast , and obviously not on Non-Undead monsters.
Duration: Holy Wasabi lasts 30 seconds with a 60 second cooldown. Reason: See Endurance Draught. Probably only useful against hard-hitting Undead enemies like Noxus or that nasty Five-Headed Dracolich in the Necropolis.
Light Yogurt Recommendation: This food item works best with classes that are slow. The Light Yogurt helps those classes that have a slow auto attack specifically. Works well with DoomKnight Warrior, Warrior and its variations. Trollenic Food. Use When: Before or in the start of a battle. Duration: Currently unknown. Vulture Meat with Blueberry Juice Recommendation: According to the description, this meal will make you untouchable!
You will not be hit for a short amount of time Unknown whether skills can break this but, it costs ACs. Trollola Terrine Recommendation: This is pretty much an item version of Footwork. Best for slower STR-based classes without effective healing. Great for bulky classes without reliable healing. Globrush Sparklebeam Elixir Recommendation: If you ever equip a class that consumes a lot of your mana, I recommend you use this.
Use When: You have a low to medium amount of HP left. Use When: The class does not have a healing ability or passive. Elixir of Haste Recommendation: This elixir works best with classes that are slow.
The elixir helps those classes that have a slow auto attack specifically. Use When: At anytime. Xheroh — for corrections in some typos. Dragonnightwolf — for corrections and also advice Shards Superior — for correction about the Scroll of Chain Lightning.
Jason3 — Special thanks for the Duration of the Buffs and Debuffs of certain potions, food, and scrolls. Knight of the Dragon — For being the latest thread owner and keeping it updated! Steel Blade — For being the original owner of the thread! Technomancer — Helping with renaming of thread, suggesting rewriting the introduction, and various formatting issues. Laos — For helping with the font and font size issues, and formatting.
Added the Duration to some potions. Corrected some typos. Current Note: This is the same guide Knight of the Dragon had and it is now in my hands to take care of. I look forward to hearing input on how to make this guide better and to have it as helpful as possible to players. Please leave comments on how to help me out with anything to do with the guide and potions! Design Notes: Hey guys. Lasts 8 seconds, can be refreshed, stacks up to 5 times.
Stacks 3 times. Lasts 8 seconds, can be refreshed, and stacks up to 3 times. DPS …. Skill Dmg …. DoT 54 …… 33 ………….. Heal 54 …. Original Skill Description: A quick attack dealing physical and magical damage, improved by the number of Dark Wound stacks on the target. Revised Skill Description: A quick attack dealing physical and magical damage, improved by the number of Dark Wound stacks on the target.
Data: Soul Crush Data. Quantitative Analysis: -Skill damage over varying MP values with constant full HP revealed a negative relationship, between bonus damage added onto normal attack and MP, of approximately MP determines the maximum potential damage. It was found that the percentage of remaining HP very accurately predicts the percentage of the maximum possible bonus damage that is applied to the next hit.
Maximum additional damage is equal to 5 plus 5 damage per MP already lost minus a percentage equal to the percentage of your curently lost HP. In actuality, 4. MP constant full HP. Original Skill Description: If Dark Wound is on the target, the caster will take additional damage per attack for 10 seconds, but will add some of the amount taken to their next autoattack. Otherwise, applies a 3 second stun. As I was pressed for time, I figured out how much extra damage you take from the skill using a hi — low comparison instead of the regular data sample.
Abolish: A quick strike dealing weapon damage plus magical damage. Also grants Zeal, allowing mana regeneration when dealing or receiving damage for 10 seconds. Blinding Light: Deals damage to all enemies in range. Qualitative Analysis: -All skill damages are based off of a combination of attack power and spell power.
However, each skill may not necessarily benefit from attack or spell power equally -Exorcise benefits more from attack power than spell power -Against undead, Exorcise deals 2. Also grants Zeal, which recovers 3 and 6 mp when dealing or receiving damage respectively for 10 seconds. However, I simply do not have the full range of ATP and SP values to make confident conclusions and all the skills are based off of those values. Data: Paladin Skill Data. Lasts 15 seconds.
Qualitative Analysis: -Damage and haste appears to be raised as per the description -Heal effects and DoT are also affected by the Drums of War effect. It should be noted I tested this skill before the passive skills were activated. Original Skill Description: Deals moderate damage to target. Applies Crescendo, a DoT that gets stronger every time the target is attacked, lasting 10 seconds.
Qualitative Analysis: -DoT does not require the target to be attacked to take effect. It will always last 10 seconds and then end. Revised Skill Description: Deals moderate damage to target. Applies Crescendo, a DoT that gets stronger over time lasting 10 seconds. Qualitative Analysis: -HoT delivered over 5 intervals. Qualitative Analysis: -Haste appears to work as described.
This is a 3. Now, that 3. I do know of statistical methods to reliably support or reject whether 3. This guide aims to clarify the skills, not convolute things further with the math.
Original Skill Description: Deals weapon DPS as damage and reduces opponents damage output significantly for 4 seconds. In fact, it is quite obvious the skill effect goes way past 4 secs. Always nice to find that buried treasure of a skill effect. To be honest, I would have been perfectly happy if it was 70 or 60 but 63? Well, it appears the skill is currently working as described. Original Skill Description: Deals damage based on the difference between your current and maximum HP.
Quantitative Analysis: -When hp is lower than the max, an additional 0. This is strange thing to say but this is one of the more straightforward skills with roundabout descriptions. HP Dmg 67 Blood for Blood Graph Data.
When the effect fades, you will recieve a small percentage of damage dealt under its effects as health. Qualitative Analysis: -Haste does appear to increase for 12 secs as stated in the original skill description. Quantitative Analysis: -Skill recovers 1 hp per 3. When the effect fades, you will receive I had a feeling that all my time trials were a little off and the fact that my watch is just plain non-functional now likely confirms it.
I just look for anything that would disprove the original skill description. Dmg HP Recovered Forgone Conclusion Graphed Data. Table of Contents:. Credits: Thanks to Jason and LL for helping me format the guide. Thanks to Entidadpunk for helping me with warrior. Thanks to Banpreiomaster for helping me with Healer. Thanks to Selutu for helping me with Defender.
Thanks to Selutu for giving me info on Starlord. Thanks to hcyhcyhcy for providing a list of static weapons. Thanks to hcyhcyhcy for providing a list of unstable weapons. Thanks to Banpreiomaster for the update for Defender. Thanks to Banpreiomaster for being a frequent supporter of this guide. Thanks to Orian for helping me with Guardian.
Thanks to Dranikos for working with me on Paladin Highlord. However, the weapons range does matter because sometimes it creates a fluctuation in damage in the classes skills. Now, some classes benefit from this. This guide is here to tell you which classes will benefit from this change of damage. Warrior Class and variants : En Garde!!! Once again, Auto Attack with this is amazing with Unstable weapons, however the only way to achieve this as far as I know is through Prepared Strike.
You can give some nice damage, you can also defend yourself and your friends, win-win solution. Range Suggested: Semi-stable for attacking-type Healer, some nice crits with auto attack and Heartbeat Stable for defending-type Healer, give stable damage and some crits with Heartbeat Static same as stable.
Dragonlord Class: Using an unstable weapon is probably the best idea with this class, the damage potential with just Auto Attack is pretty good. If you want to do pure mobster damage, then use a normal unstable weapon. A Defender with a normal Unstable weapon becomes quite a reliable damage dealer, mostly crits with quite high value higher than but lower than 1k , low damage seldom occures.
Secondary Starter Classes. This is quite unusual for a class, but its probably not going to be the last. Rustbucket and variants : : Honestly, I was surprised with the results that came up with this. But with unstable, it can hit high up over , which is quit a lot with Auto Attack. Tier Two Classes. I suggest an unstable weapon, because of the damage potential it has with Weaken and Command Undead remember to equip a battle pet , and also with Auto Attack.
This class has the potential to benefit from an unstable weapon, but soloing with one is out of the question. Use a static weapon with this, for the main reason being because its damage is more consistent with one. This class would work best with an unstable weapon, the main reason because none of its skills are affected by the fluctuation between damage caused by the wide range of weapons such as Crystal Phoenix Blade of Nulgath, or Godly Golden Dragon Axe, and the damage it does with Auto Attack while using an unstable weapon is a force to be reckoned with, hitting as high as 1.
Vindicator of They: Ah yes, the infamous VoT. Static can give you a crit of 4K consistently at level This class is based entirely on luck and chance, so naturally an unstable weapon would suit this class well. The damage difference between using an unstable weapon and not is by The damage I can so with a stable weapon is 1.
So the damage difference can be covered by Auto Attack or the DoT if you get it. So I propose using a stable or static weapon for this class, the damage difference is by slightly over I kinda wish that Doomknight Overlord would let you use unstable weapons, but as it is, it hates them. A static weapon would give you about 3. However, for soloing purposes only, I also suggest an unstable weapon, because not only does it allow you to hit 1. However, while farming multiple monsters, or party farming such as the red dragon , only use the Doomknight Overlord Blade that comes with the set, or other such stable weapons.
Range Suggested: Stable pretty much just use thw sword that comes with the Overlord package Unstable for soloing purposes only. Blood Ancient: Thirsty? Luckily for you, they are willing to share their knowledge. By combining reagents in the Chemicotron , you, our adventurer, can learn how to craft potions , tonics and elixirs. As you learn, you will be able to increase your skill as an Alchemist, giving your creations more variety and more power. What is the difference between Potions, Tonics and Elixirs?
If you know how to use these to your advantage, potions become a powerful tool in any battle. Potions: Potions have short durations, and are best used during a battle.
Potions can have one of 4 effects:. Tonics: Tonics have long durations, and are best used before a battle. Tonics can have one of 6 effects, boosting your core stats:. Elixirs: Elixirs, like Tonics, have long durations, and are therefore best used before a battle.
Elixirs can have many affects:. Combining these reagents in different ways will have different effects. Reagents can be created through alchemy, dropped by monsters, or bought with Dragon Runestones. The following is a list of reagents and a link to their respective wiki pages. Reagent List. When making a potion, you must first combine two reagents and a runestone. The two reagents determine the effects of the potion, whereas the runestone will determine the strength of the mixture.
The 4 runestones that are available, in order of increasing power, are:. This type of runestone will result in a more powerful varient of a potion, but can only be used once. The first option allows you to pick your own reagents, and experiment, whilst the second option takes you to a menu where you can pick which potion you would like to craft.
The goal of the game is to mix your two chosen reagents. You must continually keep your potion hot enough to have a good output, but not so hot that it overheats. The three flow speeds are shown below. Just recently, he decided to retire this guide.
Every Adventurer starts off with one of each, and can only obtain more from quests that give them potions after much effort. An easy for free players to gain health potions is to go to frogzard hunter and use challenge 1. After battling the 3 enemies and you will get a health potion. You may quit and do it again for more potions, 85 exp and around 66 gold.
Guardians start off with three of each, and can use the same methods to gain extra potions, with the added ability of being able to restock them at any time from a chest in the Guardian Tower. Potion bags can also be utilized to raise the amount of potions one has to five, no more, no less. It should be noted that potions used to count as temporary items , and their amount was be reset back to default at the next login, however this was changed by a staff member named Captain Rhubarb.
If you are an X-Guardian , however, you start with 3 potions and are able to carry up to