How very dare he. He made two post-divorce albums that were bitter, a bit twisted and very bloody angry about his ex, who supposedly heard about the impending divorce via fax which he denies. What a bastard, right? Next to them, Collins is a mere bantamweight in bastardy. But again, he was hardly alone in the traducing of 60s classics through the 80s: Michael Bolton anyone? Naked Eyes? Perhaps the real problem was that he sold too much around million albums , was around too much, played everywhere, including both sides of the Atlantic for Live Aid, and produced too much.
Of capitalism? Of his own perilous grip on sanity? Do tell, Phil. In the past decade, Collins has inspired scores of think pieces without releasing much new music. His last record, the covers collection Going Back , came out in His most recent album of original material, Testify , was released 16 years ago. And yet Phil Collins still has the ability to start arguments.
While the man himself has largely disappeared from pop music, what he signifies about pop continues to loom large. There is also lightness. He is serious and silly, profound as well as puny, impressive and imbecilic, with enough excellence and embarrassment to round out a dozen lesser careers. Take a look at Phil now—the whole Phil.
Before spending hundreds of dollars on a ticket for the Not Dead Yet Tour—it has crossed my mind to see Collins in concert for the first, and probably last, time in October—I consulted YouTube for videos shot this spring by fans at shows in Mexico and South America. It was a wise, depressing decision. He has looked better. Habitual back and neck problems, along with a head injury, have confined the year-old singer to a chair on stage. Otherwise he walks with a cane.
His voice is weak. He seems feeble. I wonder whether he still belongs up there. But perhaps this is the Phil Collins that the world demands at the moment. Collins himself played a pivotal role in this development, with a Rolling Stone profile that depicted him as lonely, angry, and even suicidal over a series of personal and professional tragedies—his divorces, the injuries that prevent him from playing drums or, according to the article, wiping himself in the bathroom , and his history of substance abuse.
Given recent events, anyone who publicly proclaims that suicide has ever seemed like a viable option should be taken seriously, and regarded with gentleness and empathy. Collins has since relocated to Miami Beach. But the Rolling Stone article effectively reset the way many former detractors thought about him. This is also a good strategy for winning over the critics—flatter them by agreeing with some of their points.
You really had no choice but to love him. Back then, it was customary for an artist to milk a single album, using it to launch tours and spin off multiple singles, for as long as two years, and then disappear for three or four years. For those fans, the quality dive was a fact. Many early Gabriel-centric fans were not happy when he left and were not happy with the later change in creative direction.
A change the Collins was all too happy to talk about in the media. A change that brought tremendous commercial success, it has to be said. Maybe I should have reworded that part of the sentence to emphasise that assertion?
Actually it was Peter Gabriel that walked out on genesis so really he is the one that ruined them. Personally I think Phil Collins was a better frontman anyways and back in the days so did a lot of genesis fans but all of the sudden people are now saying Peter Gabriel but Phil was the one to take genesis to the top of charts.
They became more successful with out Peter Gabriel how did come to that if Phil was so bad? Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. Posted on 14th September By Paul Rigby.
You Might Also Like. Reply Mike 17th September at pm People who hate Phil Collins always do it for the dumbest, most retarded reasons. Reply Paul Rigby 18th September at pm A stirring, full blooded defence of the man, Collins. Reply Amanda Booth 14th May at pm Actually it was Peter Gabriel that walked out on genesis so really he is the one that ruined them. Instagram Instagram did not return a