Also, Mr. Al-Marayati served as a Board member of the American committee to Save Bosnia, a committee formed to lobby Congress and the Administration to end the genocide in Bosnia.
Al-Marayati serves as a commissioner of the Human Relations Commission in Los Angeles, a commission formed to improve access to city government, reduce discrimination, and promote respect, tolerance and justice.
He has written extensively on Islam, human rights, democracy, Middle East politics, the Balkan Crisis, and the Transcaucus conflict. He was a delegate of the and Democratic National Convention. He attends Republican conventions as a reporter for The Minaret , a nation-wide Islamic magazine. Al-Marayati has also been deeply involved in interfaith activities. He also was one of three religious activists who journeyed to Rome on a trip to understand the dynamics of the Vatican.
Finally, he works as an advisor to several political, civic and academic institutions seeking to understand the role of Islam and Muslims in America and throughout the world. Al-Marayati has organized several forums in Washington, DC, to provide decision-makers and opinion-makers an awareness of trends in the Muslim world. Al-Marayati is married to Dr. Click Here for More Archive Muslim Wavelength is an online multi-media program serving the political, social, and spiritual needs of the Muslim community worldwide.
He was recently appointed to the executive committee of the California Democratic Party. Islam in America is made up of many autonomous mosques and associations with no official clergy or central authority. Al-Marayati and Minaret editor Abdullah think that the 7-year-old Muslim Public Affairs Council is distinctive for its speed and organizational savvy. Al-Marayati was an unlikely candidate for prominence in Muslim public affairs. But after working in and as a volunteer public relations director for the Islamic Center of Southern California, he was asked to direct a newly created public affairs council.
That view in the Muslim community continued until in one short stretch of time Al-Marayati arranged for civil rights leader Jesse Jackson to speak at the Islamic Center with C-SPAN coverage, co-authored a newspaper article on Palestinian human rights and staged a well-attended dinner honoring Times editorial cartoonist Paul Conrad in Los Angeles. State Department and liaison between the U.
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