You must complete the quest Chasing Shadows for her to establish her own shop. Failure to do so will cause her to remain at the Union Inn for a time and eventually abandon Gransys. Last, completing her quest Bad Business will also cause her to leave, but with a high-affinity bonus. She likes both Windmill Flowers and White Orchids. Successfully doing this will unlock another quest, Arousing Suspicion.
During this Edmund will attempt to murder Aelinore, which you can prevent or let playout. If Aelinore does die, the Arisen will need to escape prison by some means. However, if she lives you will gain another quest Duchess in Distress to escort her to safety.
Because Aelinore is so connected to the main plot, consider handing her Liquid Effluviums if you want someone else as Beloved. Mercedes is an important character in the main storyline, first found in the Encampment. Her affinity can be rushed to Beloved status by giving her Cloudwine.
Your last opportunity to adjust her affinity is the quest Pride Before the Fall. For the best outcome, remain a neutral observer during her duel with Julien. After the fight, she will award you her Silver Rapier and depart Gransys. She can be spoken to briefly to hand her gifts a final time. Julien has one of the more peculiar Beloved requirements involving several quests. You will want to complete Chasing Shadows to track his whereabouts. Also, make sure to have at least one Wakestone when accepting the quest Pride Before the Fall.
During his fight with Mercedes, interrupt and kill Julien but revive him with the Wakestone before the mission concludes. This will cause Julien to be captured and sent to the Gran Soren Dungeon. Unlike other characters, doing all of this will keep him in Gransys, while failure will cause him to depart. Selene is a Witchwood pawn that can become Beloved through a series of quests.
She is fond of Toadstool Sitter as a gift. First, Lost and Found must be completed promptly while Quina is searching the Witchwood. The quest contains an encounter with a powerful magic resistant golem, so make sure you are prepared with a team of strong physical fighters and archers. Side Quest 8 Answers Can I change my 'class' once it select it at the beginning of the game? General 7 Answers An Uninvited Guest. How do I catch the Thief? Side Quest 1 Answer.
Ask A Question. Browse More Questions. Keep me logged in on this device. Forgot your username or password? User Info: ziloe ziloe 9 years ago 1 He gives me a number of options to choose from. Do I have to do all of them? Or just one? And if only one, what's the most beneficial to the plot? No spoilers please. User Info: ziloe ziloe Topic Creator 9 years ago 3 Awesome, thanks. User Info: Sharazure Sharazure 9 years ago 4 I'm working on those now, doing the 4th one I have left, but he gives me the option to go see the duke, but he says it will get rid of all my quests and my Wyrm license, so idk if he means every quest I have, or just the special quests that he offers.
User Info: moshpitt moshpitt 9 years ago 6 You can do all 4 quest. User Info: shawn shawn 9 years ago 8 Sharazure posted User Info: Savathos Savathos 9 years ago 9 Sharazure posted Dragon's Dogma the anime TV series.
Side Quest. Can I change my 'class' once it select it at the beginning of the game? An Uninvited Guest. What do I do in "Live as the Seneschal" Quest? I'm not good at maths but that's at least 4.
Learn to read next time you halfwit. Pay attention next time. The game warns you to finish your business before moving on.
TW2 in particular has little in terms of warning you that a particular sidequest will disappear if you continue with a certain section of the main quests. Although, you can often guess they will as they are logically tied to the game world.
For example, any side quest in Flotsam that is unfinished before you start or defend from the raid is going to be automatically cancelled, cause the town will be on fire.