It all factors into how someone's body reacts to medication, or how high of a dosage they're taking in the first place. If this is something you've experienced on more than one occasion, or if birth control pills in general just aren't working for you, it may be worth discussing alternative methods with your doctor. By Julia Guerra. Raymond Forbes LLC. Unfortunately, when this happens, the options are limited.
First, there was the then-increased probability that I could become pregnant. Search Close. Where can I get contraception? Missed pills and extra pills What should I do if I miss a pill combined pill? What should I do if I miss a pill progestogen-only pill? What if I've lost a pill? What if I've taken an extra pill by accident? What if I'm on the pill and I'm sick or have diarrhoea? How do I change to a different pill?
Will a pregnancy test work if I'm on the pill? Does the pill interact with other medicines? When will my periods return after I stop taking the pill? How do I know I've reached menopause if I'm on the pill?
What is the male pill? If you've taken several extra pills, you may: feel slightly sick be sick vomit have some vaginal bleeding These symptoms will pass, and you do not need to seek medical advice unless your symptoms are severe. Continue taking your contraceptive pills If you've accidentally taken any extra pills, carry on taking the rest of your packet as normal at the same time you usually take it each day.
For example, if you usually take your pill at 8am every day: on Monday, you take your normal pill at 8am, but then take an extra pill by mistake at 8. When it comes to emergency contraception, there can be a lot of confusion. Natural Cycles and other fertility awareness apps can be an effective way to prevent pregnancy.
Our review explains what you need to know. There are alternatives. If you like to snack on sunflower seeds, you might wonder how healthy they are for you. Health Conditions Discover Plan Connect. Accidentally Took 2 Birth Control Pills? Medically reviewed by Carolyn Kay, M. What will happen.